Ed 1: Architecture of Architecture
Ed 1: Architecture of Architecture
Korody, Nicholas, ed.
Archinect, 2018
SKU S00702
Archinect is pleased to announce the release of the inaugural issue of Ed, our new print publication. The first issue focuses on "The Architecture of Architecture"—how architecture is constitutively enmeshed within ecologies, economies, socio-politics, technological regimes, and patriarchal structures. In the issue, some of the most innovative voices in contemporary architecture take a look at how this operates, and how it can be redesigned. In short, "The Architecture of Architecture" endeavors to sketch out the limits of contemporary architectural practice and thought, and to imagine alternatives.
Conceived of as a thought-provoking journal wrapped in a visually-rich magazine, the issue features a conversation with the Barcelona-based studio MAIO about their first ground-up project, as well as an interview with the artist Martin Beck by Amelia Stein, and a special iteration of Archinect's recurring interview series Small Studio Snapshots featuring Brandão Costa Arquitectos. Alongside this is a series of beguiling photos by the Los Angeles-based duo Meatwreck, a feature from Interboro Partners' new book The Arsenal of Inclusion and Exclusion, a series of innovative designs by the Vienna-based collective iheartblob, a close-up investigation of library architecture in the digital age by Joseph Kennedy, and an experiment in designing inclusive bathrooms by Tolo Architecture.
"The Architecture of Architecture" includes essays by Troy Conrad Therrien, the Feminist Architecture Collaborative, Manuel Shvartzberg-Carrío, Caitlin Blanchfield and Nina Kolowratnik with Ophelia Rivas, Jaffer Kolb, Jack Self, Giovanna Borradori, Miles Dugan, Lori Brown, Marina Otero Verzier, Scott Deisher, and Andreas Angelidakis.
167pp. / color photos